Congressman Van Drew Issues Statement Strongly Opposing the Raising of Our Debt Limit

Press Release

Date: Oct. 12, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Van Drew issued the following statement on the Senate recently voting to raise our debt limit. This is set to be voted on in the House Tuesday, October 12th.

"Continued efforts from the Left to push through reckless spending bills has resulted in the growing financial crisis we are currently facing," said Congressman Van Drew. "When this bill comes to the House floor, I will vote in strong opposition to allow Democrats the ability to fund their $3.5T social agenda. Members of Congress cannot just keep writing ourselves blank checks at the expense of the American taxpayer. Every American citizen has to set a budget and stick to it; Congress should be no different. Democrats need to accept responsibility for their policy actions and continued spending for their socialist agenda, rather than spend money to secure our border and fund our police. At the end of the day, Democrats have the means to raise the debt limit without Republican support, and I will not be supporting this irresponsible piece of legislation."
